Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Really Annoying

when people make plans with each other on Facebook. Please refrain from responding to your bff's status symbol with something along the lines of:"Omg my bestie, where have you been? Chillin by myself over here, FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to meet at Taylor's tonight to discuss my latest crisis. Hit up the cell, Bitch!!!!!!!!!" Not to mention that when every other status symbol is "It's five A.M. and I'm drunk!" you are portraying yourself as, oh I don't know, an alcoholic? Or at the very least someone who has nothing better to do than drink. Hey, if that is the image your going for, more power to you. Oh, and when you bitch incessantly about your credit card debt and how you can't pay your bills, and subsequently post a daily countdown to "spring break in Cancun bitches!!!!" it kind of ruins your credibility. Sorry, but you will be a lonely guest at your pity party. Finally, please don't threaten to "unfriend" me if my status update offends you because it is about politics instead of tanning. Don't threaten it, JUST DO IT! I could really care less whether or not you want to be my virtual friend on the internet. Sorry, I would type more but it has been ten minutes since I last updated my status. I will be at the corner bar in two hours if you want to chill. And to think sarcastic isn't listed in my profile description.