Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New At This

So I am now an official Mommy Blogger. This is my first attempt. I have joined the ranks of diaper changing, spit-up cleaning, onesie washing, cereal making, stay at home mommies. So I blog. May I just say that grocery shopping in the rain with a five-moth old who is teething would be way too easy without having to wait at the deli for twenty-five minutes while an eighty-year old lady orders six pounds of five different kinds of meat and uses words like "whatever", only to be treated rudely by the deli man. I am sorry I did not rmrber the exact name of the turkey, okay? May I also say that being with a five- month old thirteen hours a day is both the most rewarding and exhausting job I have ever had. May I also say that when people make comments like, "Oh, if he sleeps well at night it is ok that he doesn't nap" I want to throw a post-cereal diaper at their heads. Ahh the joys of motherhood. I do love my little boy.

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