Thursday, October 29, 2009

You Know You Are A Mom When...

1. You wear spit up more often than makeup.

2. You spend way to much time tracking someone else's bowel movements.

3. You consider 6:15 A.M. "sleeping in".

4. You would give away your savings for a nap.

5. On the days you do get a chance to shower you are left with itchy skin because you did not get a chance to rinse all the soap off before the baby demanded to be removed from his bouncer.

6. You have a new appreciation for coffee.

7. You can add "stain removal expert" to your resume.

8. You consider going to the bathroom by yourself with the door closed a mini vacation.

9. You think diapers are the best gift.

10. You used to look forward to parties and booze and now all you want is a shower and a snooze.

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