Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pured Sweet Potatoes and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction Part II

Aiden has proven to be a good eater. He loves to eat anything at anytime. Well ok, I can't realy say anything since the only things he has eaten are cereal, sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots in that order. I think we are starting to get the hang of the whol solids thing. I give Aiden a paper towel to rip up while he is eating, keeping the rest of the roll close by and the bowl of nuclear powered food out of reach. Today I was brave and fed him his cereal while he was wearing pajamas and not just a bib and diaper. Hudge step forward, right? Okay, you caught me - I was just too lazy to take the jammies off since wardrobe changes had beat naps for the day four to 0. Needless to say, I had to change the pajamas anyway. Of course, that was only cereal. Now that Aiden has started carrots, my om loves to trell and retell the story of how, when I was a baby, she fed me so many carrots that my skin turned a shade of orange. I am happy to report that Aiden's skin has not yet turned orange, but everything else in our house has. Try to manuever a spoon full of carrots around two little hands playing drummer on the high chair tray and into a mouth that is constantly moving. Another side effect of solid food - carrots + baby = neon orange poop. Yes, you really did need to know that. You think that you didn't, but you did. If I have to clean it and smell it it's only fair that you have to read about it, right? Just be glad I did not post a picture. No, I did not take a picture of his poop, I am not that strange. Just in case I didn't mention this before, his food is orange. We are on orange vegetables. I never knew I would grow to hate the color orange so fervently. Aiden has learned the power of his hands and he now loves to not only grab but subsequently throw everything he can get them on. Did I mention that everything is orange?

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