Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pureed Sweet Potatoes and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction

You know that old adage, "be careful what you wish for"? It tends to ring true. Time goes by so fast with a baby. Ten (yes ten, not nine) eternal months of pregnancy give way to five life altering months with a new baby that seem to have been on fast forward. Like any mother, I could not wait for my baby to sleep throught the night, and I was lucky in that it happened relatively early and easily *knocks on wood*. I also could not wait for my little boy to start eating "people food". Breastfeeding is healthy, it's economical, it is a bonding experience. It is also convenient - no bottles to warm or scrub. What they don't tell us is that sometimes it is a tiny bit inconvenient, like when your baby nurses every two hours for an hour and you have to try to get your grocery shopping done between feedings. I now grocery shop at the mercy of an invisible timer. Yes I am rambling. The point is that my baby has finally started solid food. The first step was rice cereal. I quickly learned to strip my poor child down to a bib and diaper for meal times to save on laundry. Cereal has made its way into clothes, on the carpet, in my hair, and on the cat. Some may occasionally even find its way into Aiden's mouth. At least it is white. The second step is to add orange vegetables. I am proud to report that today we got through an entire jar of sweet potatoes - and an entire roll of paper towels. I later found remnants of sweet potatoes behind Aiden's ears.Where did my newborn baby go? My life lessons for today are: 1.) Do not wish your child's babyhood away; the stages come and go way too quickly, and 2.) Wearing a white fleece while feeding your baby orange sweet potatoes is really not a bright idea.

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