Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Day To Be Thankful

Ah, The Holidays. Sometimes we (and by we I mean me) spend too much time running around being busy and worrying about mundane things, like how long it has been since I have washed the windows and what my in-laws would think if they saw my house in such disarray. So there you have it. I worry to much and I bitch too much, if you have not noticed. I'm human. But here at the end of this hectic day, at the risk of turning into a detergent commercial, I want to take some tiome to respect what the day is really about. I do have alot to be thankful for so here is my list. Feel free to add your own.

1. My baby of course!

2. My wonderful Husband

3. Family

4 Friends who have remained constant throughout all of life's changes

5. Health

6. A roof over my head

7. Heat

8. A car that runs

9. My cats

10. The fact that this computer has not frozen once in the time I have been typing this.

11. Freedom

12. Earplugs :)

Of course I have many more, but I will leave it at that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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